FONDI < scuceccene STRUTTURALI ce | UNIONE EUROPEA | EUROPEI "2014-2020 “ MIUR o PERLA SCUO REN EER ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO STATALE ALIGHIERI Scuola dell’Iinfanzia- Scuola Primaria- Scuola Secondaria di 1° grado via Coletti, 102 47921 RIMINI (RN) Tel. 0541/52082 - 0541/27037 E-mail: Codice meccanografico RNIC81900V Codice fiscale 91143450400 Prot. n. 3909/1.5.4 Rimini, 26/10/2017 Dear Nika, we have received your mail and we can confirm you that our request for Google Suite Educational was sent by our School Isitutution to be used for the whole organization and not for single classes or teaches. We are a K-2 public educational institution, no profit, accredited by the Italian Education Ministry (MIUR). You can easly check it by seeing the list of Italian Schools on MIUR ( You can check also by this link: htto:/ ammzica 099 Here's our information: School website: Type of instruction provided: primary/lower secondary education Adress: VIA COLETTI 102 - 47921 RIMINI (RN) We choose to set Google Appfor Education on the same domain Waiting for your reply and upgrade ti Google Apps for Education. Your sincerely IL DIRIGENTE SCOLASTICO [omissis] C ustie if ll A CO /