IC - "SAN SPERATO CARDETO"- RC Prot. 0005060 del 29/04/2020 (Uscita) art UNIONE EUROPEA REPUBBLICA ITALIANA REGIONE CALABRIA IC “SAN SPERATO - CARDETO” ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO “SAN SPERATO - CARDETO” Via Riparo Cannavò, 24 - 89133 Reggio Calabria Telefono 0965/672052 - 683088 - 673553 - Fax 0965/673650 C. M. RCIC875006 - C. F.92081250802 - rcic875006@istruzione.it — rcic875006@pec.istruzione.it - www.icsansperatocardeto.edu.it Hello, We send the information required: - Name of your school or organization; Istituto Comprensivo“San Sperato-Cardeto” - Type of education provided; we provide primary Education starting from the age of 6 years to the age of 13 years - Official website of the institution (Please double check this, it needs to be a valid complete website with information about the institution) https://www.icsansperatocardeto.it/ - Institution's official accreditation document stating educational status - scanned copy; Italian school don't have this kind of document. This is the ministerial web site containing all the schools in Italy: https://cercalatuascuola.istruzione.it/cercalatuascuola/istituti/RCIC875006/san-sperato-cardeto/ - Official document stating non profit status - scanned copy; Italian school don't have this kind of document. This is the ministerial web site containing all the no profit schools in Italy: https://cercalatuascuola.istruzione.it/cercalatuascuola/istituti/RCIC875006/san-sperato-cardeto/ Kind regards. The Head Teacher Prof. [omissis] Contact email: chigaetano@tiscali.it Domain administrator of the scool.